Thursday we got the boys off to third grade for Spencer who gets a ride to school with James on his way to work and preschool for Garrett who shares rides with another boy. After we picked up the boys from preschool and dropped off Kyle we were off to do some shopping--the girls to a craft barn and the boys (Garrett and I) off to Home Depot. Then late lunch at a great steak house. We picked up Spencer at his bus stop and were off to home to get Garrett ready for soccer.
Breakfast Friday was in North Bend at George's Bakery for some of their fabulous baked goods, especially their BIG doughnut. Spencer's school had teacher workday so he and G-man (preschool M, T, Th only) had a great time at Imagine Children's Museum in Everett--water discovery; train, plane, and bus exploration; art center; construction arena; rooftop play and climbing; and self-directed theater kept the boys (and adults) busy for hours. Met James at home, the off to Kent for dinner at Spiro's followed by WHL hockey game; Seattle Thunderbirds lost to Spokane Chiefs.
We are now in the midst of some serious rain and on Saturday morning Spencer plays soccer in the water and mud of a nearby park. I am proud he tolerated the cold rain, playing very hard in difficult conditions. We boys watched some college football (which starts 9 am there) including Purdue's win at U of Michigan for the first time in our children's lifetimes! and a nostalgia rush playing vibrating football (called electric football when I was a kid), the game where plastic football players move on a vibrating field until the ball carrier is touched by an opponent. Meanwhile, the women were off to a scrapbook and craft convention and fabulous lunch.
After a lazy Sunday morning we dressed for threatening weather we expected in Seattle for the Seahawks-Lions football game (luckily it was dry, though cool and overcast). Lunch at a Chinese restaurant in the International District, the off to the game where we watched the Lions end the first quarter ahead 17-0 but finally lost 32-20.
Monday found us easily fixing some doors and laundering clothes between transporting the boys. Amy fixed dinner for us and we watched Monday Night Football which begins at 5:30!
Kathy and Amy help at Spencer's school on Tuesday while Brenda works on business and I read my book at a nearby Panera Bread. We pick up Garrett from school along with a friend and his brother who we watch so their dad can work from home. All of us go to a McD with a play area for the boys. Later Mexican cuisine for our last dinner.
Brenda, Kathy, and I go to the airport together early Wednesday, drop off the rental car, and grab a quick bite for breakfast. Brenda got on her flight and we ours a couple hours later--since she had a stopover our planes landed about the same time. A wonderful visit, the first time we'd all been together in well over a year.