Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our first geocaching travel bug

We are geocachers. Some geocachers create a cache, hide it, determine its coordinate location, and post the coordinates and a short description on the internet. We try to find these hidden treasures using our GPS receiver to tell us our location and point us in the direction of the cache.

Various items are placed in caches for trading--small toys are popular with with kids. One such item is called a travel bug, an item that cachers are to move from one cache to another according to some goal defined by the owner of the travel bug.

Unite for Diabetes, an organization trying to raise awarness about diabetes, is supplying a special travel bug to interested members--20,000 were/are being distributed. We think the effort of making people aware of diabetes is important since so many of our family and friends have it. The campaign is described at

We registered and received our tb named "Indergarh, India" and with tracking number TB1BWYT. (Use the name and number to track the tb at The goal of our tb is to reach Indergarh, India to make people there aware of diabetes. We placed it in a cache at Wolcott Mill Metropark near Romeo, MI. It was extracted from our placement within a couple weeks, and less than two weeks later has traveled to Washington state. Now to have someone grab it from there and take it onward toward Indergarh, India.

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