Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Garage

1. The new drywall is up, taped, and compound applied -- all in just over a year!!!2. The workshop side needs pegboard on the left wall but that will be after we paint.

3. The back wall was never finished so that was finally done. You can see it beyond the stuff piled in the center of the garage floor. New cabinets are still in boxes.

4. We are hoping to prime the walls in the next couple days. Then paint after that.
I'm glad I did my first drywall job on the garage. Not many people will see my mistakes. I learned much, made many mistakes, and finally finished it.


Unknown said...

Nice job!

Boiler Up! Amy said...

And the crowd cheers! Have you given any thought to renting a paint spray gun? Mom and Dad used one on their basement and it turned out nice. Just a thought...

Bren said...

Looks great so far. Can't wait to see it when it is complete. It won't look the same to me. Is Mom making curtains for the garage? She's so good at it!

Anonymous said...

Tom let Rhonda paint their garage blue (Go Blue!) What color are you using?