Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emerald Lake

We finished painting the ceilings of dining/hallway and entryway/hallway Tuesday.  Tedious work with all the brush work along the stone and woodwork--not an easy task.  My rolling paint on took about one-fifth the time for Kathy to do her brushing.  We now have the bath, closets and pantry, and workshop to do.

Afterward we went to Marion for dinner at Little Italy restaurant--the same owner as used to be in Evart (she sold the Evart restaurant a couple years ago).  Great food, as always.  Walked along Middle Branch River afterward to let the food settle.  When we returned to the house we finished vacuuming and putting everything back in its place.

On our way home Wednesday we heard of Millen's firing.  Could not get the details because the Expedition radio intermittently and randomly stops output to speakers.  We smiled all the way home!!!

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