Indian Summer continues in the mitten. And this weekend was special. Great color north of Saginaw on our drive up to the lake on Saturday. Stopped briefly at Birch Run to pick up a couple things. That evening was Oyster Supper, a celebration of Katie (McLachlan) Thompson's birthday by her decedents--this time 99 attended. (She was widowed by her two previous husbands Emmet Morse and John Carpenter before marrying Archie Thompson.) Katie's birthday was October 11, 1883 and the celebration is always held around her birth date.
Here is how I remember the progression through the generations: Katie Thompson, Letha (Morse) Corey, Anna Mae (Corey) Brigham, Kathy (Brigham) Reagan, James Reagan, Spencer and Garrett Reagan.
Then Sunday we celebrated Aunt Mabelle Preston's 100th birthday. (A little early--December 19, 1908--but she left for Florida yesterday with Uncle Maurice and Aunt Pauline with Rosie driving and will be there on her birthday.) Afterward we took a ride to see the fall colors. We made a loop up to Cadillac and back. An awesome display. Some pictures around the lake.
As we drove in.
From across the lake.
And from the house.
Monday Kathy painted three tedious ceilings, both prime and finish coats, that put her in contortionist positions. It looks great! Left early enough for home to have enough light to see some color between the lake and Mount Pleasant.
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