Set in Cincinnati, this comedy follows three childhood friends and one provoking girlfriend (played by Molly Thomas, daughter of Kathy's colleague) as they try to commit the crime of the century...robbing the warehouses of Kenner Toys where the mother load of "Star Wars" figures can be found.
Dave, computer programmer and avid "Star Wars" fan, plans the heist from his mother's basement (where he still resides) with the help of Max, Carter and Kendra. When things go awry, friendships are tested and each faces the most important decision of his life. Not even light sabers or Jedi knights can save the day for these "Star Wars" geeks.
Dave, computer programmer and avid "Star Wars" fan, plans the heist from his mother's basement (where he still resides) with the help of Max, Carter and Kendra. When things go awry, friendships are tested and each faces the most important decision of his life. Not even light sabers or Jedi knights can save the day for these "Star Wars" geeks.
There really are men so interested in Star Wars--we could tell from some of the laughter at lines we did not understand--and I can imagine they also introduce a new generation to it.
In addition to the play we toured the Michigan Capitol, our first visit there in many years. Because of 9/11 visitors cannot use the main entrance through the massive wooden doors up the grand staircase (we tried it and the doors were locked) but instead at ground level never intended for visitors. It is still an impressive site with the dome 160 feet above the rotunda and house and senate chambers in the wings. Sound like the U.S. Capitol? It should and so should many other state capitols after the Civil War because their architects took their inspiration from it.
We followed our self-guided tour with lunch at Clara's, an old railroad station that still has trains passing alongside on their tracks converted to a restaurant.
In this beautiful sunny fall weather we were able to park the car at the theatre and walk to our destinations--we had hoped for more shopping in the downtown Lansing area but our walk along those streets took us past mostly restaurants leaving us time for the capitol tour.
1 comment:
I'm glad you went to the BoarsHead show - I saw it Saturday night and really enjoyed it. I work for the Arts Council of Greater Lansing (we help to make art happen) and am so proud of our city! I hope you'll join us on November 21 for Silver Bells in the City, a project of the Arts Council, celebrating it's 24th year!
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