Sunday, January 21, 2007

Detroit Symphony Orchestra...

Pops Concert last night was exceptional. Theme was big band music from the 1930s-40s with a few extras thrown in. To make it more speciaa, some of our favorite DSO musicians had featured solos on sax, trumpet, and trombone.

Interesting that we know names of DSO musicians like we know names of Detroit Tigers baseball players and Detroit Pistons basketball players!
And the musicians are not telecast like the sports players are. Does that matter? Of course it does--talk to your friends who know names of professional poker players and ask where they learned those names. But I digress...

I attribute my love of swing and big band style music to my early years--my mom and dad must have put me to sleep with that music playing on the radio. Later I collected albums, the LP vinyl disc variety, of the big bands--Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Stan Kenton, Glenn Miller, Glen Grey were a few.

I left those albums at home when I moved out on my own thinking that I could grab them whenever I wanted. When I was ready to retrieve them, they were almost all gone, probably given away after my mother remarried. My bad. But maybe a blessing in disguise. With the sound quality of digital recordings superior to analog on vinyl, my current collection of replacement CDs gives greater enjoyment. Now to listen to the my new Benny Goodman....

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