Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Finally winter

has come to Michigan. One of the reasons we enjoy Michigan is the four distinct seasons.

The first couple months of winter were atypical--10 degrees above normal, precipitation as rain if any, overcast making days dreary. In the last week our weather has returned to normal for late January--temperatures from single digits to mid-20s, snow at times that has finally accumulated to 6 or so inches on the ground, sunny and clear days mixed with occasional overcast.

Winter and snow means cross country skiing--our first of the season. With near-perfect conditions of sun and mid-20s temperatures, the snow crunched beneath the skis providing ample traction going uphill and adequate compression for downhill slides. Skiing requires using muscles in addition to ones normally used so later in the day a dull soreness set in reminding us to take it easy in our initial skiing periods.

The next week will continue with cold, sunny weather. Will get out for additional skiing sessions, hopefully on some trails so we can have views of different surroundings.

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