Monday, April 16, 2007

Dinner with the Waltons

The Waltons live in Huntington Woods just north and west of Rackham Golf Course, a few miles from our first house in Oak Park. Bobbi and Denny invited ten of us join them for a reunion of sorts on Sunday.

Bobbi prepared a sumptuous meal. Beef tenderloin, two different salads, twice-baked potatoes, rolls, and green bean casserole. Both red and white wine and a couple sparkling drinks. Coffee and tea accompanied her grandmother's carrot cake for dessert.

Most of us are retired, most are getting social security, all grandparents. Six of us were confirmed into Truth Lutheran Church together back in the day where I grew up in Detroit.

Randy, Doyle, Ken and I (who were at the dinner) along with Ken Jones, Dan, and Jerry were best of friends through our teen years and even kept in close touch through college. Then, as the song goes, "those wedding bells are breaking up that old gang of mine." I have been fortunate to reconnect with them after a period of time, once at another reunion at Bev's and at a couple funerals.

Then a heated game of Pictionary--how do you draw a picture of ugly? Lots of laughs, poor drawings, and random guesses.

A wonderful time yesterday with a summer get together at Doyle's and Pat's is in the works.

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