Monday, April 28, 2008

Season Opener

We went up to the lake last Friday morning to open it for the season. Stopped first in Birch Run for a few items (outlet malls are becoming shopping malls, methinks), then for lunch and return empty printer cartridges for $3 credit OfficeMax in Midland (James' blog about his Kindle book bargain prompted this stop), and finally dropped off a watch for repair at Hick's Jewelers in Clare.

Pouring rain when we arrived so had to postpone visiting Preston, Angie's 3.5 week old newborn son, until later. Unloaded stuff, put a few things away and read for a while. No dead critters--flies, spiders, or otherwise. When the rain stopped we started the pump (did not want to get drenched in the downpour). Off to see Preston, then to Foster's for a few grocery items. Listened to Red Wings on radio that evening before turning in.

Saturday was a work day. Kathy cleaned--dusted, vacuumed, washed and scrubbed--the inside and removed the leavings of a local raccoon. I prepped the Ranger and JD riding mower for the summer. Took a spin on the Ranger to Kelvin's and Lee's but go no answer at either. We then inspected the property on our way back finding many trees down or nearly so--cleaning them up will keep us busy.

Sunday morning we picked up Kelvin and went to Barryton for breakfast. Spent extra time talking and finishing our coffees. After that we packed the SUV and took a leisurely drive home.

We have a busy summer planned for the lake -- a mix of work, play, and relaxation.

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