Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Lions ...You Know

And poor execution by John Kitna on a couple crucial plays. I've said it before and will probably have to say it again. He's just a step below what's needed to be an effective NFL quarterback.

The Lions sure know how to clear a stadium. After going ahead in their game against the Packers, they gave up a field goal and three follow-up touchdowns bringing back late in the fourth quarter the stench of the first half.

Highlights were few. Calvin Johnson's catch-and-run touchdown receptions were two.

Having the kids from Up North join us was exciting. All eight of us piled into the Expedition and drove down to the Renaissance Center where we parked. We had a great breakfast at Sweet Lorraine's on Jefferson, then walked up Brush Street to Ford Field. Logan sat with us for the first quarter, then Brenda took him over to Angie and Jesse seated kitty-corner from us. After the game we all met outside the stadium and walked through a pouring rain from Hurricane Ike, a warm rain so we did not use all the cheap plastic ponchos we took. We drove home through very heavy rains which finally let up some between Utica and Romeo. After a short rest stop at our house Cushmans and Helmers took off for home. We had a great time with them.

Next up are the 49ers which I thought would be a great chance for a win. Now I'm not so sure.

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