Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Keeping Perspective

Ted Kennedy got an honorary doctorate from Harvard recently for his decades of public service.

No doubt public service is important.  And I respect those who perform it.  And lets also recognize those outside federal, state, and local politics.  Those volunteering to coach, officiate, administer sports for young people.  Attendees at local governmental meetings.  People watching school board meetings on a local access cable channel.  Supporters of charities with their time, money, and fund-raising walks and activities.

Politicians pale in comparison to T. C. Pits (the common person in the street) when it comes to public service.  Politicians have benefits from their service--money, prestige, power, influence, notoriety, and even graft.  Many in politics have substantial personal wealth and should find it easy to perform without a need to work to support a family.  Most would find it difficult to quit a job and uproot their family to go into politics.

Let's not make a big deal out of something that may not be.

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