Friday, May 18, 2007


the Pistons got rid of the pesky Bulls. Have to hand it to the Bulls. They won two more games than I thought after game three. They shot well in those two games but in game six they seemed to come back down to earth. Kudos to their team, Scott Skiles, and their management. They will have to be reckoned with over the next few years.

Why do Chicago fans permit Detroit teams and fans to get under their skins, to become so irritated that they chant obscenities and insults? And why couldn't you stay in the arena and give your team a hand for a terrific season and playoff. Arrogant and spoiled, perhaps.

And Rasheed, sometimes you just have to suck it up, recognize that some calls are going to go the other way and will even out over time, and quit putting pressure on your team to make up for the points you give away.

My sense is the winner of Cavs/Nets series will not fair as well as Chicago did. Both teams are slower, worse long-range shooters, and worse defenders. Pistons in five.

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